Becoming a Blogger

It’s June 2020. I’m a full time working mom of two kids under 5 years who’s full-time mom-ing because of COVID-19. I have NO social media presence. (Well I have some accounts, but I only follow and silent-creep on other folks). And I’m deciding to start a blog NOW?! Now that the blogosphere is adequately saturated? Now that we’re in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic?! And not just a blog but a “LIFESTYLE” blog?! And with the intention of making some $$#?!

I’ll pause here for your eyes to roll back forward.

Yes. I’m going to give it a go, and I’m going to document my blogging journey with the hopes that it turns into a if-I-can-do-it-so-can-you story. My plan for now is to post weekly (or fortnightly?) what I did to start and grow my blog, and every month I will post an earnings and expenses report. All the while I’ll also also be writing “Lifestyle” posts: mom-ing during a pandemic, mom-ing while working, living in a multi-cultural household, health and fitness reviews and tips (I’m no guru, but you could say I was VERY into fitness pre-kids), and a bunch of other sheesh until I figure out a niche (the niche might end up staying “Lifestyle” – and yes, I realize having no followers to start makes this the definition of a pipe dream. Let me stare down that pipe.)

Ok. So here goes – Post #1.

What I’ve done to set up my blog so far:

What I’m in the middle of doing now:

What I’m going to do next:

My goal is to get 100 page views in my first month. I’m not sure yet if that’s crazy or not ambitious enough. We shall find out together!

Wish me luck, y’all!